Petty Samurai T-shirts
’下級武士’Petty and poor Samurais have changed the Japanese history in the Meiji Restoration.
They didn't have anything, but they had a dreams and braves.

Japanese Kanji & Samurai T-shirts
Japanese Kanji & Samurai T-shirts
*Price : \3,675
*Color : SandBeige
*Quality: Cotton100%
*Size : XS/S/M/L/XL/XXL
*JapaneseSize- smaller than AmericanSize

投稿者 anything

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Kanji & Samurai Japanese T-shirts Shop
Anything Ltd.

We welcome any questions! Click here 'Question Form'

●Address : 1-7-29 Nakacho Koganei ,Tokyo,Jpan
TEL 81-42-401-6982(JST 11:00~19:00)
FAX 81-42-401-6986

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